Friday, November 12, 2010

Reasoning Examples

1). Reasoning by Analogy
When a little kid tells his/her parents "If my brother/sister is getting a toy, I should get one too."

2). Sign Reasoning
"I could smell the food from here. We must be close to the restaurant."

3). Causal Reasoning
"If the star player does not play in this game, his team won't perform as well as it should."

4). Reasoning by Criteria
"The Dallas Cowboys team lack discipline. The coaches should make more of an effort to hold players accountable for their mistakes."

5). Reasoning by Example
"I once had a friend that had to go to the hospital because he drank too much. If I were you, I would probably cut down."

6). Inductive
"I was late for work today because I overslept and got caught up in traffic. Tomorrow, I wake up a bit earlier than I thought I had to so I can get to work on time."

7). Deductive
"Forgetting to pay your bills on time will hurt your credit. He hasn't paid his bills on time. So his credit score is getting lower."

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