Saturday, October 23, 2010

Usefulness of the Second Assignment

It was definitely easier communicating for this assignment since my group worked well together. This did improve my ability to work in a team environment, which is helpful for my engineering major. I hope to continue to build on that. It's encouraging to know that I don't necessarily have to take an engineering related class to improve my skills related to my major.

Personally, I was not aware of what exactly ASPCA was until this assignment. After doing some research, it was clear on how much they've done and how much they mean to animals in need. What surprised me was the claims and fallacies that were incorporated into the organization's website. For example, I knew that the pictures of sad and neglected animals were displayed to make people feel sad, but I wasn't aware of was that it related to the Epstein's text. Now, I'm aware of the claims listed in the text and how to find them in places other than books.

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