Friday, September 17, 2010

Complex Arguments for Analysis

Page 225 #2: I'm on my way to school. I left five minutes late (1). Traffic is heavy (2). Therefore, I'll be late for class (3). So I might as well stop and get breakfast.

Argument? Yes.

Conclusion: Since I'll be late for class due to heavy traffic and leaving late, I might as well stop and get breakfast.

Additional premises needed? If I left for school later than I should have, and if traffic is heavy, then I will be late for school.

Identify any subargument: 1 and 2 are independent of each other but both support 3.

Good argument? This is not a good argument because it's better to be late than to not show up at all. In the time it takes to stop for breakfast, the professor or instructor might have gone over something important like information for the next exam or a big assignment, or a pop quiz.

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